Political changes in the early 1970s weakened Hoover's position. Critics in the media and Congress began to question Hoover's methods, and the newly created freedom of information act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.A. § 552, promised to pierce the veil of secrecy that had always protected him. In 1971, a break-in at an FBI field office in Pennsylvania yielded secret documents that were ultimately published. Fearing greater exposure of FBI counterintelligence programs, Hoover formally canceled them on April 28, 1971. Some small-scale operations continued, but the days when agents had carte blanche to carry out the director's will were over.

Hoover died May 2, 1972, at the age of seventy-seven. His death was followed by the realization of his greatest fear. In 1973 and 1974, NBC reporter Carl Stern gained access to COINTELPRO documents through an FOIA claim. More revelations followed, producing a public outcry and leading to an internal investigation by Attorney General William B. Saxbe. The U.S. Congress was next: in 1975 and 1976, hearings of the House and Senate Select Committees on Intelligence further probed COINTELPRO. Even as Hoover's legacy was laid bare, supporters tried to keep the cover on: House lawmakers kept their committee's report secret. The Senate did not; its report, released on April 28, 1976, denounced a "pattern of reckless disregard of activities that threatened our constitutional system."

Along with revealing other instances of FBI illegalities under Hoover, the investigation of his activities set in motion a process of reform. Congress ultimately limited the term of the director of the FBI to ten years, to be served at the pleasure of the president, a safeguard designed to ensure that no single individual could again run the bureau indefinitely and without check. Details about COINTELPRO continue to be made public through government documents.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,  FISA


Congress has adapted and upgraded a Blacklist, based on inquisitional precepts, precluding guilt.  FISA,(code, definitions, included)  a secret court,  now includes electronic and mass surveillance methods of targeted harassment.

The Red Scare has morphed into the “Terrorist Scare”.  Prohibited behavior, openly coded nowhere, includes everyday occurences and innocent friendships.  The FBI man, hidden by sunglasses and his newspaper, has been replaced by a secret  FISA court order, (with Fourth Amendment rights unheeded) enacted with unseen highly invasive, minimized, electronic devices.

We assert that FISA is an extension of Cointelpro, an attempt to codify and secret the illegal actions and intentions of Cointelpro.  Any secret legal proceeding, be is state or federal seems clearly violative of American Constitutional intentions.  We came here to overcome the kangaroo courts, the workhouses of a repressive and corrupt England.  A secret  FISA court, making judgements in secret, on unknowing citizens seems in league with the kangaroo courts in England.  For these pressing reasons, we seek repeal of this “secret” American court, along with a restoration of constitutional rights, to those aggrieved by these violative practices of FISA. 

In the United States v. Battle case (a FISA case), Battle alleged he was followed, surveilled and electronic bugs were placed in his living spaces.  

In their argument, the defendants contended that the government should reveal the justification that support the issuance – by the clandestine Foreign Intelligence Surveillance ACT (FISA) Court – of the secret warrants that enabled the FBI to surveil them.24.

Specifically, the defendants seek to review the warrant applications the FBI submitted to the FISA Court on the basis of which the warrants were granted.  Pursuant to the warrants, the FBI secretly wiretapped the suspects’  phones and planted microphones in their homes.  As a result of its surveillance, the FBI ended by intercepting more than 271 conversations. 

Without knowing the basis for the warrants, the defendants contend, they cannot know if their Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures were abridged.  The judge ruled, however, that the basis for the warrants will remain secret.  25.

This is a very troubling development.  Unless the ruling is reversed on appeal, it will mean that a U.S. citizen can now be convicted of a crime, without ever knowing the reasons why the government was given permission to spy on them in the first place. 17. These same allegations of wrongdoing are also complained of in the Handschu, Social Worker’s Party and other Cointelpro cases.  The wrongdoing defined in the Cointelpro cases is the same wrongdoing complained of in the FISA case.  It would seem that these intentional actions are the same – merely made secret in FISA includes due process and Fourth Amendment violations.  FISA must be repealed and the list of names revealed, to stop the rights’ violations, which occur in its enactments. 

International Law

"Indictments, trials and convictions were transparent devices ... for ... the ill-treatment of persons ..." 26..

These words could currently describe the FISA Courts.  They were actually the words used in the determinations of charges in the ‘Justice Trials’ at the Nuremberg Court, after World War II.  They spoke of the evolution of the Justice Courts –‘People’s’ and ‘Special’ of the  Third Reich, as the Weimar laws were superceded, during World War II.

The charges concerning the People’s and Special Courts of the Third Reich, included:

Crimes Against Humanity:

1.    Use of irregular courts to suppress opposition

2.    Special Courts against targeted nationalities 27.

In the Volksgerichtshof (People’s Court), set up outside the operations of the constitutional frame of law 28. .The proceedings of the court were often less than show trials… concluded in less than an hour without evidence being presented or arguments made by either side.  29.  The Jewish virtual library explains:  “according to Section 1 of the ordinance on “antisocial parasites”, “looters” who committed thefts during air raids”, were prosecuted without presenting a defense.

Each special court formed … “looter” tribunals in 1942.  These tribunals … handed down death sentences in summary proceedings … The defendants had no opportunity to prove their innocence or otherwise defend themselves.”  30.

In the latter day, FISA Court, defendants, similarly are given no opportunity to defend themselves.  There exists a similarity between these courts of Hitler and the American FISA Courts, that the Nuremberg Court could not have predicted.  The U.S. sat as jurists and justices at the Nuremberg Trials.  They helped to form and write the determinations and Orders. At Nuremberg, the Justice Court, the Third Reicht defendants were found guilty of crimes against humanity,  (with American jurists sitting in) because of their use of these “special courts”. 

FISA’s precursors are the BlackList, Cointelpro Operations, and the construction of FISA.  Volkensqerichsthof ‘s precursors were the German Constitution and the Weimar Laws.  These two evolutions  present an eerie similarity. 


 As the unethical precepts of Cointelpro were found to be unethical and illegal, so must FISA be found so, repealed and names revealed.  Cointelpro activities were found to be illegal, constitutionally violative and unethical.  The same acts, of intentional discrediting, break-ins, privacy invasion, stalking – occur to uncharged Americans, now daily, through the vehicle and intent of FISA, in place of Cointelpro. 

Cointelpro was found to be illegal. At Nuremberg, the “special courts”, where defendants were not allowed to defend themselves, were found to be specifically illegal.  International law may be pled in the United States.  This Nuremberg determination is one international law, which seems very appropriate and the Nuremberg determinations can be compared to descriptions of the FISA Court. FISA needs to be found illegal, repealed, and the list of names repealed. 

FISA must be repealed, so that  America can reclaim her soul and citizens can once again be free to “ live by no man’s leave”, as the international code, established at the Nuremberg Trials, after our engagement in the war fought “for democracy”, instructed. This is vital to the American way of life.  We came to America, not to  harness obliging servants, but to be free from servitude.  FISA violates our constitution and our governmental intent.  It must be repealed and list names given.

By Kelb, Inc.

Keep The Ethical Light Burning, Kelb, Inc.

The following “Repeal Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA Title 50 Chapter 36” is Workproduct of Kelb, Inc., Keep The Ethical Light Burning, resemblance noted, is coincidental. This Kelb Workproduct may not be copied in any form, reproduced, or copied, computer or social network copied and shared with any individual, nor any entity, unless with written permission from Lynn Weed, Director, Kelb. It is Kelb Workproduct.

This document and all future documents, edits, revisions, are not to be used for personal advocacy or any purpose, other than the specific purpose of “repealing FISA”. No portions are to be included in any actions, documents or movements, other than this project and document.


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