Repeal FISA Act


Whereas, we find that FISA, The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Title 50, Chapter 36, denies due process of law, as well as denies Fourth Amendment protections against unnecessary search and seizure for American citizens.  No American law or Act should be violative of rights, in this manner.

We find its secrecy to be very problematic, chilling and leaves the door open for abuse. (See Battle Case).  

The Cointelpro Program of the intelligence agencies was found to be violative of law (see SWP judgement, Bivens Case).  The very acts determined in the SWP to be violative and actionable:

  • Break-ins
  • infiltration
  • Overt and covert surveillance
  • Harassment
  • Attempts at personal discreditation,

are also present in the acts of FISA  (see Battle Case).

As the acts of the intelligence agents and others, in Cointelpro have been found to be illegal at trial, we state that these same or similar acts in FISA are also/similarly illegal. 

Therefore and for these reasons, we seek a repeal of The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Title 50, Chapter 36, FISA. 

This Act may be cited as the “Repeal of FISA, The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Title 50, Chapter 36, Act”.

This Bill repeals The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA, Title 50,

Chapter 36 and its Amendments. 

This Bill shall be enacted 91 days after passage.