Keep The Ethical Light Burning, Kelb, Inc.
Site: Keepkelb.wordpress.com
Constitutional Guarantees
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA seems a rebirth of the Cointelpro program and the Blacklist. The elements of each are the same. One’s placement in any of those programs is based on a subjective interpretation of everyday common events, at some point deemed anti-American or subversive (without a judge or jury). These same activities, originally called Cointelpro, now, have become secret, through Title 50 Chapter 36.
To be placed on the Blacklist (1956), an innocent conversational comment, such as actor Will Geer made, praising the Russian theater, resulted in him being placed on the Blacklist. This negatively impacted his acting career. Lucille Ball’s grandfather was on a Communist Party roll. That got her placed on the “List”. Similarly,with FISA enacted, a conversation with an Afghanistani taxi driver, about life and war could get one on the FISA list.
We all have thoughts on the theater, Russian or other, life, and war. Should voicing them, put U.S. military intelligence in our bedrooms – and put us at the risk of directed energy surveillance devices/ weapons, which DARPA furnishes to military contractors doing the surveillance, as allowed by Title 50, Chapter 36?
Normally, warrants require “probable cause”, that a crime is being planned or committed. But FISA warrants do not. They require only that the FBI show probable cause to believe that “the target of the electronic surveillance is a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power.” 1.